Leaf Blower Revolution
Update v2.24.0

Get ready to dig deep, because the latest update brings a new feature to LBR: Introducing the Mines!

Head to the Coal Shop and unlock a network of subterranean veins waiting to be exploited. Discover hidden caves, drill into the depths, and unearth exclusive rewards!


  • Mines: Exploit coal veins, discover mine caves, drill deep into the Fire Field depths for exclusive rewards. (Unlock in Coal Shop)
  • New IAP: Mines Pack - Unearth a bounty of rewards every day with the Mines Pack!
  • New resources
  • New material
  • New pet: Moleo
  • Craft presets added: Save properties from a crafted leaf and apply them to another one. No more transforming madness
  • BV items codex added
  • BV items can be crafted through the codex (after buying the upgrade in the shop)
  • Shiny title background in menus added
  • Lore UI improved
  • Duplicate dice fixed
  • Dice DLC fixed (dice missing when inventory was full)

Thank you for your love and continuing support for the game!