Emoji Recycling Center review

I can't, in good conscious, leave more than 3* because it's not the style of game that I enjoy.

With that said, I did play it to completion as it is fairly short (I beat it in <6 hours) and it plays fairly straight forwardly... however, the very initial stage is the only "fun" part. You grind a little bit to get the power and size you need to start completing them...

And then that's all you do. Slowly but surely "recycling" every emoji, having to select "easy" emojis first to build up your initial 100 or so... and the automation literally isn't until 300 emojis in. And it's a complete joke.

It is 100% active play until you reach 500 recycled - then from there it's a waiting game to just let it finish on its own or speed it up slightly with active play.

All in all, it's a fun little experience but not one I recommend highly.

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