Path 0.21 is now available on Steam "beta" branch, here's the patch notes draft. Please note the patch will change during beta so follow here to read the most up to date patch notes. Also join our Discord server to provide your feedback.
New Civilization: English
- Cambridge University: +1 Age Wisdom level for Renaissance and ages after
- East India Company: This wonder accumulates the total value of your completed player trade transactions. For every 2,000 trade value, all buildings adjacent to caravansaries get a +1 Production Multiplier for 1 cycle. A trade transaction counts when you either fulfill another player's trade request or when your own trade request is fulfilled. Multiple boosts stack by extending the duration
- British Museum: After constructed, can transform into to a unique wonder from other civilizations
- Tower Bridge: After constructed, a great person from unlocked age is born every 3600 cycles (1h game time)
Natural Wonder
- Cerne Abbas Giant: A great person of the current age is born when a wonder is constructed
Unique Great People
- Thomas Gresham: +2 Production Multiplier, Storage Multiplier for Bond Market
- Guy Fawkes Night: East India Company provides +2 Production Multiplier to buildings adjacent to caravansaries. Tower Bridge generates great people 20% faster
- Three Lions: Rebirth with at least 1 Extra Great Person when playing English (Reach 64M Empire Value when rebirth)
- Fix a bug where wonders that can be upgraded will have a one tick black out when upgrade complete
- Fix a bug where the chart in Statistics Building sometimes overflows the layout
- Add an option to turn off "Trade Filled" sound effect
- Make the layout of Statistics Office more condensed so that it can show more data on mobile
- Fix a bug where sometimes cross-platform saves fails to download save from the cloud