Kiwi Clicker

Hello everyone!!

Hope y'all are doing alright - I'm doing a short stop today to announce the start of the Idler Fest discount.

Was hoping to put out a Kiwi Clicker update out today as well, but it didn't quite make it and we didn't want to risk putting it out there and breaking someone's save file on such a joyful date

! (today is the worldwide day of cheaper Kiwi Clicker).

Here's a sneak peek - hover down here to see what is happening behind the curtains:

! yup thats me, you're probably wondering how i got here

I've worked quite a bit on rewriting the whole code of the original Kiwi Clicker from scratch between December and January, and it has reignited my desire to make this old pal shine!

! that's right, the ratio balancer is going down

Either way, it's supposed to change a lot (pretty much everything you didn't like,

! and also everything I didn't like), so I'll need to get back to it for now so that it can eventually come out!