Support us with $1/month
Visit PatreonWhat is new
- Replaced old badges system with collectibles (350+ but I will keep adding more)
- Easier to earn EXP
- Offline EXP gains
- Build your avatar
- Prestige system
- EXP bonus/multiplier
- Various UI changes, onboarding for new users, more level colors & more
- Patreon integration (help us pay for servers)
Read the full Changelog here
Why Collectibles?
The old system did not feel very satisfying nor engaging. You would level up and get badges but you could not do anything with them, there were no clear tresholds for leveling them up and there were only 5 of them. This new system continuously rewards you in different ways. Not just for being active but also just for visiting us and leveling up your profile. You also can have a clear goal in mind and on your profile you can see the current progress for each group of collectibles and requirements for each one.
What are collectibles?
In essence, they show your involvement in the community and your dedication to incrementaldb. There is currently 3 types of collectibles you can get: badges, avatar parts (9 part types used for building your custom avatar) and name badges. Each collectible has different requirements and you can see details for each one on your profile page.
Collectible groups
Currently collectibles are grouped up in 4 groups:
- Merit
- Levels
- Premium
- Special
Merit collectibles are awarded for:
- adding games
- reviewing games
- visiting the website
- adding updates
- voting on games
Levels collectibles are awarded for leveling up your profile. Each level up unlocks multiple collectibles.
Premium collectibles are animated and available only to our Patreons (because we need to pay for servers).
Special collectibles are awarded for certain special actions like prestige or milestones like years of service
Collectible types
Collectible can be one of 3 types (only premium collectibles are animated):
- Avatar part (9 different part types)(used for building your unique avatar)
- Name Badge (which is displayed next to your name)
- Badge / item
- More types will possibly be added in the future updates
Avatar parts which you can get are:
- background / banner
- body
- torso / shirt / robe
- hair
- hat
- face
- beard
- item / weapon
- overlay / frame
Other changes
- Prestige at level 100 and get 25 exp multiplier and legendary special collectibles. Lose your EXP and levels.
- You now have EXP multiplier and all EXP gains are multiplied by this. Patreons get 50% multiplier, prestige gives you 25%. Multipliers stack so you get 50% + 25% = 75% for being a patreon and prestige level 1.
- Daily visits now give you 15 EXP, Reviews 15 EXP, Updates 10 EXP, Edits 5 EXP, Adding a game 20 EXP, being a Patreon 10 EXP each day (offline),
- Offline EXP gains: you will get 2 EXP _ your EXP multiplier for each vote a game you added receives, and 2 EXP _ your EXP multiplier for each vote a review you posted receives
- various other small changes
Patreon benefits ($1/month)
Since the website is growing we need help paying for servers.. I also want to dedicate more time to incrementaldb Please consider supporting us on Patreon if you can. Read more about why i started Patreon here
After becoming a Patreon you just have to verify your status by clicking on 'connect Patreon' in the profile dropdown menu and you will instantly receive your benefits
Thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day!